
For any business to perform at its highest level and achieve maximum profitability there must be an ongoing commitment to invest in developing both its people and efficient processes. Performance Insights structure our solutions with the guiding principle of People + Process = Performance™. As financial organizations, your focus is often ROI; ours is ROP – Return on People™.


First and foremost, one must understand the gaps and responsibilities required in order to find the right PEOPLE to fill those specific roles. Teams are comprised of INDIVIDUALS who are all driven and motivated by different elements and are gifted with varying talents. Ensuring that the right people are engaged in the right roles and have the right developmental opportunities and environments is essential in maximizing talent and retaining your most important resource. 


PROCESS is the second key ingredient to success. In today’s more complex world, with increased rules, regulations, and administrative requirements, time has become a most precious commodity. Systematizing one’s business is essential. Individual advisory teams and firms need to have simple and executable processes in place in order to maximize their time and resources.


In order to ensure we help create both Return on People and Return on Process within all areas of a business, we utilize the FIND-GRIND-MIND® Methodology in all our offerings from the Performance Insights Process™ to our speaking engagements. This approach helps simplify the ever-evolving and complex nature of a financial services practice. Depicted here is our generic version but depending on the targeted audience, (individual advisory teams, branch/complex/agency managers or senior leadership), we utilize customized variations. Although the functions within the FIND-GRIND-MIND® Model vary based on the audience, the concept remains the same. Every business succeeds or fails based on its ability to strike an effective balance in three key areas.

  • First, you must focus efforts on bringing in new clients – FIND
  • Secondly, the business needs to deliver on what was sold, or GRIND out the product or service
  • Lastly, if you take care of, or MIND the relationships and the practice, clients will want to come back to do more business with you and provide referrals

It’s a simple model to help a financial practitioner understand the core elements that a practice needs to thrive. To learn more about this unique approach to the business, click here.


Performance Insights is a strategic initiative of Krista S. Sheets, President of Paragon Resources, Inc. and Sarah E. Dale, President of Know No Bounds, LLC.